16.1 Scope of
The Work under this Section of the Specification consists of furnishing all
plant, labour, equipment, appliances and materials and performing all
operations in connection with the installation of cement concrete floors and
floor finishes including bases, skirting and Dado, complete in strict
accordance with this Section of the Specification and the applicable Drawings.
16.2 Applicable
Latest editions of following Pakistan, ISO, British & ASTM
Standards are relevant to these Specifications wherever applicable.
16.2.1 Pakistan
P.S. 232 Ordinary
Portland cement
16.2.2 ISO
(International Organization for Standardization)
R 680
analysis of cements Main constituents of Portland cement
FR 681
analysis of cements Minor constituents of Portland cement
16.2.3 ASTM
(American Society for Testing and Materials)
C 482
strength of ceramic tile to Portland cement
C 648
Breaking strength of
ceramic tile
C 650
Resistance of ceramic
tile to chemical substances
C 798
Colour permanency of
glazed ceramic tile
E 84
Surface burning
characteristics of building material
16.2.4 BSI (British Standards Institutions)
882 Pt.2
and fine aggregates from natural sources
Sands for external
renderings, internal plastering with lime and Portland cement and floor
for granulithic concrete floor finishes
ceramic tiles and tile fittings for internal walls
Classification of
adhesives used Construction Pt-1 Adhesives
Tile flooring
In-situ Floor
209 Pt.1
Care and Maintenance
of floor surface, wooden flooring
16.3 Material
16.3.1 Cement
Cement shall be
ordinary Portland cement conforming to BS 12 or PS 232.
16.3.2 Sand
All fine sand shall be as specified or approved by the Engineer and stored
on properly constructed paving or as directed by the Engineer. The grading
shall conform to BS 882 Grading Zone 1 and 2 of which the gradation limits are
as follows:
Percentage (by weight) passing |
BS Sieve
Grading Zone 1
Grading Zone 2
3/8” (9.53mm)
3/16’ (4.765mm)
90 – 100
90 – 100
No. 7
60 – 95
75 – 90
No. 14
30 – 70
55 – 90
No. 25
15 – 34
35 – 59
No. 52
5 – 20
8 – 30
No. 100
0 – 10
0 – 10
16.3.3 Coarse
(i) Coarse aggregate shall
be obtained from approved source fully crushed, angular in shape and shall have
granular, crystalline and broken surface free from friable, flaky and laminated
pieces, mica and shale. It shall not contain matters injurious to concrete. All
coarse aggregates shall conform to BSS NO.882 and shall be graded as follows:
BS Sieve
% Passing by weight
1” (25.40 mm)
3/4” (19.05 mm)
90 – 100
3/8’ (9.53 mm)
20 – 55
3/16’ (4.765 mm)
0 – 10
(ii) The aggregate shall be
stored on properly constructed paving or as directed by the Engineer.
(iii) There
shall be a physical partition between the stockpiles of coarse and fine
aggregate. If required, aggregates shall be washed and screened to the satisfaction
of the Engineer. Sieve analysis of all the aggregates to be used in the Works
shall be carried out as and when required by the Engineer.
(iv) Any
aggregates not found to be of the specified/approved Standards shall be
rejected by the Engineer and all such rejected material shall be removed from
Site without delay.
(v) Floors
sub-base or base constructed with rejected aggregates shall be dismantled and
rebuilt at the expense of the Contractor.
16.3.4 Water
Water used for
mixing concrete, curing or any other operation of the Works specified herein
shall be fresh, clean and free from organic or inorganic matters in solutions
or in suspension. Only water of the approved quality shall be used for all
constructional purposes:
16.3.5 Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic tiles
shall be local, best quality white or any other colour. The size of tiles shall
be as specified and shall conform to BS 1281 as per samples. The Engineer can
select different colour and designs of the approved tiles for use in different
locations, if not specified.
16.3.6 Terrazzo
Terrazzo tiles shall be first grade mechanically compressed type conforming
to PS-531. Tiles shall be of specified sizes with a topping of 10 mm thickness
composed of 1:2 cement marble chips, the base being 1:2 cement mortar. The
colour quality and size of chips shall be as per Engineer’s approval.
16.3.7 Cleaning
The compound used for all cleaning of terrazzo shall be an approved neutral
chemical cleaner free from acid and alkali or any other material that will
affect the colour or otherwise damage the terrazzo and shall not affect the
conductivity of terrazzo floors.
16.3.8 Vitrified
Clay Tile
Vitrified clay tiles of specified size shall be first quality of local
manufacture approved by the Engineer.
16.4 Cement
Concrete Flooring
The materials for C.C flooring shall be same as already specified under
Clause 3, “Materials”.
16.4.1 Composition
of Concrete
Concrete shall be
composed of Portland cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water, all well mixed
and brought to the proper consistency. The Contractor shall mix the ingredients
as specified. The proportions of the various ingredients shall be determined
from time to time during the progress of the Work and tests shall be made of
samples of the aggregates and the resulting concrete. The mix proportions and
appropriate water cement ratio will be determined on the basis of the
production of concrete having required workability, density, impermeability,
durability and required strength.
16.4.2 Mixing Concrete
The concrete ingredients shall be mixed in a batch mixer for not less than
1½ minutes after all ingredients, except the full amount of water, are in the
mixer. The Engineer reserves the right to increase the mixing time when the
charging and mixing operations fail to produce a concrete batch in which the
ingredients are uniformly distributed and the consistency is not uniform. The
concrete shall be uniform in composition and consistency from batch to batch
except when changes in composition or consistency are required. Water shall be
added prior to, during and following the mixer charge. Excessive over mixing
requiring addition of water to preserve the required concrete consistency will
not be permitted. The concrete ingredients shall be mixed by volumetric
measurement in purpose made boxes approved by the Engineer.
16.4.3 Construction
The base course of the floor shall comprise of brick ballast of 2 inches
(approx. 50 mm) mesh size. The base course shall be thoroughly compacted by
suitable power rammers to the total consolidated thickness as shown on the
Drawings. The interstices shall be filled with smaller size brick. The base
course shall be blinded with sand and the whole surface watered. Over the well
compacted base course, a layer of concrete of the required grade and thickness
shall be laid, in panels of the sizes as indicated on the Drawing or as
approved by the Engineer.
After the C.C bed has been cured, as directed by the Engineer, it shall be
roughened and well watered before floor finishing is laid. The floor finish
shall comprise of cement concrete of required grade and shall be laid in panels
to the required thickness as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. The concrete after laying will be thoroughly rammed and mortar worked
up to the top and smoothed with a steel trowel.
The edge of each section into which the floor is divided should be
defined by wooden screeds of the approved width and of a depth equal to the
depth of the floor concrete.
Freshly placed concrete floor and completed floor portions as finished
shall be protected to prevent loss of water by covering with damp hessian, damp
sand or other approved material, and shall be kept constantly damp for a period
of four days. The concrete shall be allowed to dry out slowly over a period of
three days after wet curing is completed.
16.5 Installation
of Tile Flooring
The Contractor should note that all tiles before installation should be
sorted out in a proper way acceptable to the Engineer, no under/ over sized and
damaged tile should be used.
When setting out the tiles, care shall be taken to establish the correct
elevation for the floor. A gauge rod shall be used, indicating the overall
measurement of a given number of tiles with specified joint width to reduce
After the floor has been machine finished, it should be covered with white,
non-staining sand or rags to protect it while other Work is being done. After
removal, the floor shall be thoroughly scrubbed.
16.5.1 General
The base shall be prepared by laying cement concrete of
specified grade and of thickness as specified or as shown on the drawings.
The curing period of the setting bed shall be as directed
by the Engineer. As large area of setting bed shall be spread at one time as
can be covered with tiles before the mortar has set. Surplus mortar shall be
removed. The thickness of setting bed in any space shall not be less than ½”
(12.5 mm).
Floor and wall surfaces to receive the tiles shall be
thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, dust, oil and other objectionable matters.
Tiles shall be laid out from the centre line of each space in an outward
direction and the pattern should be made symmetrical with a minimum number of
cut tiles.
Joints between the tiles shall be of uniform width. Tiles
shall be cut with a suitable cutting tool and rough edges shall be rubbed
smooth. Tiles shall be laid to the straight edges.
16.5.2 Terrazzo
The terrazzo tiles
will be laid to the required lines, levels and grades over a setting bed of
cement sand mortar comprising of 1 part of cement and 4 parts of sand by
After seven days, the terrazzo tile floors shall be machine ground to a
true even surface using various grades of abrasive stores as required and
directed by the Engineer. After the first grinding the floor shall be grouted
with the same colour composition as used for its manufacture. The grout shall
be of the consistency of thick cream and shall be brushed over the floor to
fill in the joints and after 72 hours the grouting coat shall be removed by
grinding till a smooth and even surface is obtained. Areas and portion of the
floor inaccessible for the grinding machine shall be ground and rubbed by hand.
The final gloss shall be given by polishing the surface to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
16.5.3 Ceramic
The ceramic tiles
shall be laid to the required lines, levels and grades over a setting bed of
cement sand mortar comprising of one part of cement and 4 parts of sand by
volume and the joints filled with neat white or grey cement including vertical
and horizontal covers. The tile floor shall be kept wet for at least 72 hours
and no traffic should be allowed on the tiles during curing period.
16.5.4 Cement
Concrete and Vitrified Tiles
The cement concrete and vitrified clay tile shall be laid to the required,
lines, levels and grades over a setting bed of cement sand mortar comprising of
1 part of cement and 4 parts of sand by volume.
16.6 Terrazzo
Flooring Cast-in-Situ
16.6.1 Mix
The terrazzo mixes shall be
composed by weight as follows:
Plain terrazzo for all floors and bases indicated as terrazzo and not
otherwise specified, shall be composed of one part cement, white or grey, and 2
parts of marble chips of the sizes and colours hereinafter specified.
16.6.2 Preparation
for Terrazzo
The grade and thickness of concrete as shown on the Drawings shall be laid
as under bed to receive terrazzo. The surface of the bed shall be roughened for
bonding with the terrazzo finish. If the surface is too smooth it shall be
roughened with a toothed chisel and prior to laying the terrazzo the bed shall
be cleaned of all dirt, oil re-ease and extra loose material.
16.6.3 Division
Terrazzo floors and bases shall be divided by glass/marble strips. The
division strips between fieldwork and borders shall have exposed tops in full
width of the strips. The division strips shall be set immediately after the
spreading of the underbid, the strips being partially embedded therein,
securely anchored to the sub-floor and grouted solid.
All division strips shall be set, straight to lines and to the proper level
to ensure that the tops of the strips will show uniformly after grinding and
smoothening operations are completed and joints and intersections shall be
fitted tight. Strips shall be braced to prevent bulging during the placing of
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the divisions in field Work of
large areas shall not exceed 3 feet x 3 feet and in small areas shall not
exceed 2 feet x 2 feet.
Edging strips shall be placed at door ways between terrazzo and types of
flooring and along the edges of all terrazzo bases or borders and adjoining
other types of floor finishes or floor covering. The edging strips at door ways
shall be placed in line with the step face of doors. All edging strips shall be
anchored and grouted solid in the under bed or to the concrete sub-floor and
braced to prevent bulging as specified for division strip.
16.6.4 Laying
The sub-surface shall be swept clean, thoroughly
moistened, but not saturated, and slushed with a coating of neat cement grout.
The under bed consisting of specified cement concrete screed shall be spread
and brought to a level not less than 1/2 inch. (12mm) below the finished floor
level the dividing strips shall be installed in the green under bed. The
terrazzo mix shall be spread, tamped and rolled into a compact mass not less
than specified thickness. After rolling additional aggregate mix shall be
sprinkled over the surface to fill up all depression to take up excess moisture
and to permit the terrazzo to be trowel led to a level, dense and even surface,
slightly above the finish line of floor. This level shall allow for the surface
grinding necessary to expose the area of aggregate, and to produce smooth
leveled floor free or waves and depressions.
The completed terrazzo shall be allowed to season for 6 days during which
time it shall be kept moist and free of traffic. The curing shall be
accompanied by (1) covering with approximately 1 inch (25 mm) thickness of
sand; or (2) sprinkling with water at every 10 hour interval.
Following the curing period, the terrazzo shall be machine ground to a
true, even surface using a No. 24 grit followed by a No. 80 grit or finer
abrasive stone. After the first grinding, the floors shall be thoroughly
grouted with the same cement and colour composition as specified for the matrix
of the terrazzo mix. The grout shall be of the consistency of thick cream, and
shall be brushed over the floor to eliminate all pits and thoroughly fill the
surface for final grinding.
Not less than 72 hours after application, the grouting coat shall be
removed by grinding. In the later stages of grinding, the grit stones or other
abrasive used in the grinding machine shall be of a grain or fineness that will
give the surface smooth finish. Small areas, inaccessible portions and corners
which cannot be reached by the grinding machine shall be finished by hand.
The walls and all surfaces of the finished Work of other trades shall be
properly protected from damage and spoiling during the process of grinding and
washing of the terrazzo. After the finish grinding has been completed and the
surface treatment applied, the terrazzo Work shall be covered arid protected
with material, approved by the Engineer until completion of the Work of all
other trades.
Cleaning and Coating
Prior to placing the protective covering, the terrazzo floor shall be
approved by the Engineer. After the Work of all other trades has been completed
and the protective covering removed, all terrazzo Work shall be washed with
cleaning where necessary to remove any stains or cement smears. The terrazzo
shall be allowed to dry thoroughly and shall be given a sealing application of
preservative material. The sealing material shall be applied in accordance with
the manufacturer’s directions, leaving all terrazzo Work in clean condition as
approved by the Engineer.
The ingredients of skirting (Dado) shall be one part of cement and two
parts of marble chips varying from Nos. 0-2. Skirting shall be laid over a base
of plaster of specified thickness. The thickness of dado/skirting layer shall
be as specified. The surface shall be ground and polished to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.
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