Saturday, June 8, 2013

Getting Started with Master Data Services

Master Data Services in SQL Server 2008 R2 allows an organization to define a "single source of truth" about its enterprise data using a purpose-built centralized database and a predefined Web application - Master Data Manager. Multiple application databases can be referenced through models forming a "hub-and-spoke" type architecture enabling the centralized database to act as the Master Data Hub. Data discovery efforts, as when building a Data Warehouse or Data Mart, are streamlined with the Master Data Hub acting as the central knowledge-base for your enterprise data. This whitepaper highlights the new Master Data Services feature.

The Microsoft Data Platform Vision is summed up by the phrase: "Your Data, Any Place, Any Time."

Four underlying themes categorize the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 release:

Enterprise Data Platform
Beyond Relational
Dynamic Development
Pervasive Insight

The Master Data Services feature is part of the Enterprise Data Platform theme and is the subject of this white paper. Other features, while too numerous to describe here, are documented on the Microsoft web site at You can also download a trial version of the software from the same location.

Master Data Services allows a business to create an authoritative centralized version of its data specifications available throughout the enterprise. This is particularly useful when multiple systems exist that maintain their own copy of business data that needs to be consolidated and understood, for instance, should duplication occur. Discovering the data specifications can be time-consuming but, when stored centrally and maintained with version control and change tracking, the business can benefit from this understanding of its mission-critical data. When building a Data Warehouse, much of this Data Discovery needs to be performed but instead of recording this information in an isolated spreadsheet, now the information can be recorded in a centralized database for all to access and contribute to. Through Web Applications, individual application groups can be held accountable for their data specifications through ownership, allowing all parts of the organization to contribute to the centralized Master Data. Ongoing Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence efforts can then benefit with the Master Data being readily available and up-to-date.

Master Data Services consists of the following components:

Master Data Services Configuration Manager - Used to setup the MDS Database and configure the Web application
Master Data Manager - ASP.NET application used to manage your master data
Master Data Services Web Service - Used by developers to extend and customize the functionality of Master Data Services

Master Data Services (MDS) is available on only the 64-bit editions of SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, Enterprise and Developer. It is not supported on the 32-bit platform. It requires the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or later. For running the Web Applications, IIS is required with ASP.NET and Windows Authentication enabled.

Master Data Services requires IIS World Wide Web Services installed specifically with support for ASP.NET and Windows Authentication to support the MDS Web site.

The masterdataservices.msi install file is delivered on the SQL Server installation media (e.g., under the 1033_enu_lp\x64\setup folder). Double-clicking this install file will start the MDS Installation Wizard, which allows you to choose the installation path as appropriate and to proceed through the installation of Master Data Services.

Once the Installation Wizard is complete, it launches the MDS Configuration Manager. This tool can also be launched from the Windows Start/All Programs menu under Microsoft SQL Server R2/Master Data Services/Configuration Manager.

There are two steps to be performed by the MDS Configuration Manager:

Create the MDS Database with a predefined schema definitions
Create the MDS Web Application in ASP.NET

Clicking the Create Database button will launch the Create Database Wizard for MDS. The database must be hosted on SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, Enterprise or Developer editions. The user creating the database has to a member of the sysadmin server role.

The Database Server page of the Create MDS Database wizard allows you to specify where the MDS Database will be stored and the authentication type.

The Database page allows the name of the MDS database to be entered along with any collation requirements.

The MDS Service Account is recommended to be a Domain User Account that will be used by the MDS Web Services to connect to the MDS Databases. The service account will be added to the db_owner role in the MDS database.

The Administrator Account again should be a Domain User Account that will be given MDS administration capabilities such as adding users and the ability to access all models defined in the MDS database.

When the wizard is finished, confirmation is shown that the MDS Database was created with the required specifications.

The next step is to create the MDS Web Application by clicking Web Configuration in the MDS Configuration Manager. You can create a separate site or use an existing site such as the IIS Default Web site as in the example. Click the Create Application button to launch the Create Web Application wizard. The Web Application uses IIS, ASP.NET, and Windows Authentication so your Web Server should already support these specifications before the MDS Web Application is created. Note that the MDS Web Application can run on a separate server from the MDS Database server. The Create Application wizard should be run on the Web Server. In this example the Web Server and Database Server are on the same machine.

View the original article here

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