Corner taken by Wayne Routledge from the right by-line.
90:00 +0:36Wilfried Bony takes a weak shot and missed to the right of the target.
90:00 +0:29Alvaro Vazquez crosses the ball.
87:44Paul Robinson takes the free kick.
87:29 Booking Booking 87:29Neil Taylor receives a yellow card.
87:06Jordi Amat challenges Christopher Burke unfairly and gives away a free kick.
86:32Corner taken by Alejandro Pozuelo from the right by-line.
86:09Header at goal by Jose Alberto Canas. Colin Doyle parries the ball away.
85:07Wilfried Bony takes a shot and went wide left of the target.
84:35Leon Britton restarts play with the free kick.
84:29Andrew Shinnie challenges Alejandro Pozuelo unfairly and gives away a free kick.
84:28Andrew Shinnie restarts play with the free kick.
82:38 Substitution Substitution Andrew Shinnie replaces Shane Ferguson. 82:05Alejandro Pozuelo concedes a free kick for a foul on Mitch Hancox.
81:25 Substitution Substitution Wayne Routledge is brought on as a substitute for Roland Lamah. 80:30Assist on the goal came from Christopher Burke.
80:30 Goal scored Goal! - Tom Adeyemi - Birmingham 3 - 0 Swansea Tom Adeyemi slots the ball right footed into the goal. Birmingham 3-0 Swansea. 79:27Direct effort from the free kick comes in from Shane Ferguson and goes over.
78:39Foul by Alejandro Pozuelo on Paul Caddis, free kick awarded.
78:28Wilfried Bony makes a clearance.
78:20Corner from the right by-line taken by Christopher Burke.
78:03Christopher Burke sends in a cross.
77:36Leon Britton takes the free kick.
77:26Unfair challenge on Wilfried Bony by Paul Robinson results in a free kick.
76:47Matt Green takes a shot. A parry by Gerhard Tremmel prevents the goal.
76:30Mitch Hancox takes the free kick.
76:18Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Shane Ferguson by Jose Alberto Canas.
75:59Clearance made by Neil Taylor.
75:52Centre by Tom Adeyemi.
75:23Garry Monk makes a clearance.
75:17Corner taken by Christopher Burke from the left by-line.
74:59Corner from the right by-line taken by Christopher Burke.
74:39Centre by Mitch Hancox.
72:56Neil Taylor restarts play with the free kick.
72:50The official flags Christopher Burke offside.
72:07 Substitution Substitution Jose Alberto Canas replaces Jonjo Shelvey. 71:47Jonjo Shelvey has an effort at goal and missed to the left of the net.
71:08Clearance by Dan Burn.
71:04Corner taken by Leon Britton from the left by-line.
70:35Leon Britton restarts play with the free kick.
70:29Free kick awarded for a foul by Matt Green on Leon Britton.
70:16Paul Caddis makes a clearance.
69:17Shot by Jordi Amat cleared the target.
68:30Clearance made by Callum Reilly.
67:49Christopher Burke takes a shot and went wide of the left-hand post.
67:42The ball is sent over by Callum Reilly.
64:46Corner taken by Christopher Burke from the right by-line.
64:25Mitch Hancox takes a shot.
63:07 Substitution Substitution Alvaro Vazquez replaces Jonathan de Guzman. 62:40Jonjo Shelvey takes a shot and went wide of the left-hand upright.
61:30Neil Taylor makes a clearance.
61:21The ball is sent over by Shane Ferguson.
60:32Assist by Mitch Hancox.
60:32 Goal scored Goal! - Matt Green - Birmingham 2 - 0 Swansea Matt Green grabs a goal with a right foot finish. Birmingham 2-0 Swansea. 60:26Mitch Hancox produces a cross.
59:10Free kick taken by Paul Robinson.
58:57Free kick awarded for a foul by Wilfried Bony on Callum Reilly.
58:06 Booking Booking 58:06Colin Doyle is booked.
57:59Free kick taken by Colin Doyle.
57:41Dan Burn fouled by Wilfried Bony, the ref awards a free kick.
56:57Jonathan de Guzman takes the free kick.
56:49Callum Reilly gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Dwight Tiendalli.
56:08Christopher Burke provided the assist for the goal.
56:08 Goal scored Goal! - Dan Burn - Birmingham 1 - 0 Swansea Dan Burn heads the ball into the goal. Birmingham 1-0 Swansea. 55:48A cross is delivered by Christopher Burke.
54:58Free kick taken by Paul Robinson.
54:35The official flags Jonathan de Guzman offside.
53:14Garry Monk manages to make a clearance.
53:07The ball is delivered by Mitch Hancox.
52:14Gerhard Tremmel takes the free kick.
52:02The assistant referee signals for offside against Matt Green.
51:46Colin Doyle restarts play with the free kick.
51:33The assistant referee flags for offside against Wilfried Bony.
49:01Matt Green takes a shot.
48:49Mitch Hancox makes a clearance.
48:44Roland Lamah crosses the ball.
47:37Christopher Burke delivers the ball.
45:01The second half kicks off.
45:00 +2:07 Half time Half Time The players leave the pitch at half time. 45:00 +1:45Free kick crossed by Shane Ferguson.
45:00 +0:19Leon Britton is booked.
45:00 +0:19 Booking Booking 45:00 +0:07Leon Britton challenges Christopher Burke unfairly and gives away a free kick.
43:28Colin Doyle takes the free kick.
43:06Unfair challenge on Shane Ferguson by Jonathan de Guzman results in a free kick.
42:56Dan Burn makes a clearance.
42:50The ball is crossed by Jonathan de Guzman.
42:34Tom Adeyemi takes a shot. Gerhard Tremmel catches the ball.
42:23Free kick taken by Mitch Hancox.
42:14Dwight Tiendalli challenges Mitch Hancox unfairly and gives away a free kick.
41:21Mitch Hancox crosses the ball.
40:24Roland Lamah has an effort at goal.
38:47The ball is sent over by Wilfried Bony.
36:51Clearance by Garry Monk.
36:48Paul Caddis produces a cross.
34:59Corner taken by Shane Ferguson from the right by-line.
34:38The ball is delivered by Christopher Burke.
33:21The ball is crossed by Dwight Tiendalli.
32:06Jonjo Shelvey takes the free kick.
31:58Foul by Tom Adeyemi on Jonathan de Guzman, free kick awarded.
31:22Shot by Wilfried Bony went wide of the right-hand upright.
30:39The ball is swung over by Jonathan de Guzman.
29:34Wilfried Bony takes a shot.
28:45Free kick taken by Alejandro Pozuelo.
28:34Callum Reilly gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Jonathan de Guzman.
27:46Colin Doyle restarts play with the free kick.
27:42The assistant referee signals for offside against Alejandro Pozuelo.
26:28A cross is delivered by Mitch Hancox.
26:10Clearance by Jordi Amat.
26:00Corner taken by Christopher Burke from the left by-line.
25:46Clearance made by Wilfried Bony.
25:06Corner taken by Christopher Burke.
22:10The ball is delivered by Roland Lamah.
21:38Header at goal by Christopher Burke. A parry by Gerhard Tremmel prevents the goal.
21:26The ball is swung over by Paul Caddis.
20:50Roland Lamah restarts play with the free kick.
20:37Mitch Hancox gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Roland Lamah.
19:58Christopher Burke takes the chance to get an effort at goal. Gerhard Tremmel parries the ball away.
19:14Free kick taken by Colin Doyle.
19:04The referee blows for offside against Alejandro Pozuelo.
17:33Alejandro Pozuelo takes a shot and strikes the bar.
17:10Wilfried Bony takes a shot and hits the bar.
16:59Corner from the right by-line taken by Roland Lamah.
14:25Paul Robinson crosses the ball.
12:43Shot by Christopher Burke cleared the crossbar.
12:35Clearance by Wilfried Bony.
12:19Corner from the left by-line taken by Christopher Burke.
12:06Neil Taylor manages to make a clearance.
11:47The ball is swung over by Matt Green.
8:58Paul Caddis restarts play with the free kick.
8:47Paul Caddis fouled by Neil Taylor, the ref awards a free kick.
8:18Wilfried Bony has a direct shot on goal from the free kick. Jonathan Spector gets a block in.
8:13Free kick taken by Wilfried Bony.
7:22Paul Robinson is adjudged to have handled the ball.
5:47Corner from the taken by Jonathan de Guzman.
2:27Leon Britton restarts play with the free kick.
2:20Handball decision goes against Tom Adeyemi.
1:44Wilfried Bony manages to make a clearance.
1:31Corner from the left by-line taken by Christopher Burke.
0:00The ref blows the whistle to begin the match.
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