Not a quick and easy read, but worth the time for sure.

"That polarization of cyber security within the Internet grows from our willing dependence on it despite the other trends of which I've spoken. I don't see us deciding to damp that risk by curbing dependence though, to be clear, that is precisely the trajectory which my own life now follows. I don't see the cyber security field solving the problem as the problem to be solved is getting bigger faster than we are getting better. I see, instead, the probability that legislatures will relieve the more numerous incapable of the joint consequences of their dependence and their incapability by assigning liability so as to collectivize the downside risk of cyber insecurity into insurance pools. We are forcibly collectivizing the downside risk of disease most particularly the self-inflicted ones, why would we not do that for the downside risk of cyber insecurity and, again, particularly the self-inflicted ones?"